Jesus loves you
and so do we.
More Than a Building
Our desire is to continue Jesus' mission of growing the family of God. That means that our goal is not to simply "Go To Church" but to be the Church.
The Church is so much more than a building that we gather in, or a weekly event.
The Church is a Family.
The Church is a Family on a Mission to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus.
The Church is a Family of Servants: We Serve our King Jesus and others.
YOU are Welcome Here
No matter who you are, what you have done, or where you are from, God's grace is offered to you. Because our desire is to faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, we extend a special welcome to you and your family no matter who you are or where you are on your journey of life.
Many of us have come from troubled pasts, but we have been transformed. We have been given a new identity. We now see ourselves in light of what Jesus has done for us instead of what we have done or what the World has done to us.
What to Expect
We strive to give you a Biblical community with strong relationships, earnest prayer, honest and Spirit-led worship, preaching and teaching directly from God's Word and compassion for those in need.
We celebrate The Lord's Supper on the the first Sunday of the month.
We have Nursery available every Sunday during our sermon.
We have Children's Church every Sunday EXCEPT the first Sunday of the month.
We do not have a dress code.
Services are held in the main Church building:
Our Sunday Worship gatherings are at 11:30 AM
Our Food Pantry is open from 3:00-5:00 each Wednesday
We encourage our members to start or join a small group for Bible Study and Discipleship. If you'd like to learn more, contact Pastor Ken.
Any additional services will be announced on Facebook and on our website.
Connect With Us
We are on Facebook to give you timely updates, encouragements, and shareable information.
Make sure you have liked and are following the page to keep up to date.
Support the Mission
Members and regular attenders of WBC can support our efforts through Planned, Priority and Percentage Giving You can give your tithes and offerings — In Person during our weekly gathering
— By Mail at P.O. Box 846, Warsaw, KY 41095
— OR —
— Online by clicking the link below.
Sample Sermons
Sample the kind of sermons you will hear at Warsaw Baptist Church.
To hear live messages visit our Sunday morning gathering
at 11:30AM